‘You had your chance – now we’re stepping it up’
We asked you to show up, and you did. Across the 4 days, 100,000 people descended on Parliament to talk, to march, and to demand change. It was a historic moment with an unprecedented number of climate groups uniting, and you should be proud to have been part of it.
But this was just the beginning.
One week ago, we demanded that the Government End the Fossil Fuel Era, and immediately create Emergency Citizens Assemblies. We gave them a deadline of 5pm today to open negotiations with us.
They have missed this deadline. Thousands of us peacefully and lawfully surrounded parliament and caused no disruption, and we were ignored by the media and the government. Our demands are not unreasonable - they are consistent with all scientific advice to protect life.
Imagine what we could have achieved if we’d stayed. Imagine if 100,000 of us sat down until our demands are met.
Next time, we refuse to leave.
Read the press release here.

The Big One!
Chesterfield XR goes to London
On 21st April 2023 "everyone" is heading south to join the 100,000 who will Surround Parliament
Politicians would rather take fossil fuel donations than prevent climate chaos. It’s time for us to let them know how we feel about this and that 2023 is the year for drastic climate action.
In April in Westminster, thousands of people will gather peacefully around the House of Parliament to tell the Government that we can’t afford this anymore.
Thousands have already gathered at picket lines and demonstrations this year to demand fairer working conditions. Multiple world crises all linked by the crisis in governance. There are no fair conditions on a planet wrecked by climate and ecological disasters.
It’s time to demand an end to the fossil fuel era and for a citizen-led transformation towards a fair society that includes reparations.
Add your name – and be there – to remind them who they really work for:
and if you'd like to go there on The Crooked Spire Crew's bus (£20 return) please email: and ask how to get a ticket.
They support The Big One !
Environmental charities Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and Earth Day; health groups NHS Workers Say No and Greener Practice; justice groups Global Justice Now, Black Lives Matter local groups and Don’t Pay UK; global peace movement Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND); and trade union PCS Union; are just a few of the organisations in a groundbreaking alliance committed to supporting The Big One from #21April at the Houses of Parliament.
The climate, cost of living, and political crises we are facing are all interlinked. By joining the dots between them, the breadth and diversity of these organisations demonstrates that it is time to meet the urgency of the moment and unite people across the UK in demanding systemic change.
NHS Say No co-founder Holly Blackler said: “We have experienced a pandemic and a heatwave that has taken us to the limit of our endurance. These two issues are intertwined. The climate crisis is unfolding in front of us and we are deeply concerned about our patients. For that reason Extinction Rebellion has our unfailing support.”
Gold medal Olympian, Etienne Stott from Extinction Rebellion, said: “We’re made to believe that our struggles are independent of one another and that each needs tackling before the other. But they aren’t. Those who profit from destroying our world want us to believe that. And they win time and time again by dividing the rest of us, pushing us to fight each other. But what Power is most afraid of is people setting aside their differences to stand together. We can overcome our fear and mistrust of each other and rediscover our power. This is survival solidarity – for us all.
“Because despite the corruption deep in the heart of our politics, ordinary people are ready to get to work and create a fairer, safer, better world. If politicians refuse to listen to the needs of the general public, refuse to listen to millions striking for better pay, refuse to tackle the climate and ecological crisis, refuse to prioritise people suffering during the cost of living crisis over energy company profits, then it’s up to us to turn things around. It is possible to change society in a way that is just and fair, to put care for people and nature at the forefront. It is possible to rediscover our collective power and change the course of history together. To make this a reality, this moment calls for a mass movement to stand together and become impossible to ignore.”
It’s time to do the work. Ordinary people across the UK are uniting. Will you be one of them?
Why not join and get active in XR Chesterfield?
Why should I?
​You know that the "Climate Crisis" is ruining the quality of every aspect of life across the whole world.
It's about "Global Warming" which is or very soon will be
increasing the intensity of floods and wildfires everywhere
melting the polar ice caps which will cause rapid sea-level rise, cities drowning and billions of refugees
reducing worldwide food production, causing price rises for everyone, and of course more starvation
It's also about the extinction of many species, from polar bears, tigers and whales to most of the fish in the seas, to insects and plants that are vital to the well-being of nature, like bees and trees​
The crisis is being rapidly accelerated because multinational oil companies are finding and mining coal, oil and gas in ever-increasing quantities. They do this simply to make profit, with no care or responsibility that it is causing the Earth's 6th Mass Extinction. The Carbon Dioxide produced by burning these fuels is causing an ecological crisis almost beyond saving, because of this worldwide "Crisis of Capitalism". In XR we say "Tell the Truth", "The System is Broken", "Act Now", "Stop the Harm", and because the multinationals are lobbying and controlling governments, "Let The People Decide!"
So what can Little Me do?